5 Easy Tips to Optimize Your Landing Pages

Whether you know it or not, landing pages can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Every ad, every CTA, and every email button leads to a landing page. You can be getting the opens and clicks you need for success, but still fail because your landing page isn’t converting.
Never fear. There are a few things you can start doing now to improve and optimize your landing pages. And it doesn’t take as much effort as you may think.
Here are 5 of the easiest landing page optimization tips that can improve your next campaign’s conversion rate.
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1. Consistency

Your marketing campaign is like a watch. Everything has to fit together perfectly to make sure your watch keeps time. If your landing page doesn’t align perfectly, you get a low conversion rate.

If your landing page conversion rate is low, start looking at the different traffic sources.

According to the size of a campaign, your landing page could have dozens of traffic sources. If you have a low conversion rate, ask yourself: are each of my banners, SEM ads, social media posts, emails, CTAs, and etc. consistent with my landing page?
Blog: 3 Laws for Building Effective Landing Pages
Your landing page and traffic sources should have one goal, one message, and one action. Each part should align with the next, ensuring your prospects have a consistent journey from awareness to decision. If there are discrepancies or different offers, use multiple landing pages that are consistent with their traffic sources.
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2. Get to the Point

Landing pages don’t need to be long. A person visits a landing page because they found your ad or content helpful. Maybe it whet their appetite for more content or they realize they need your product. It doesn’t matter.

What matters is you get to the point.

Provide them with enough clear information so they know what they’re getting. It helps to focus on benefits and reassurance. For instance, if they’re filling out a form to download content, tell them what the content is, describe how it helps them, and reassure them their information won’t be used for spam.
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3. Focus

For every landing page you build, you need to take a step back and take a good hard look before you hit publish. Remember, this is where your conversions are coming from. Your audience needs to know what action to take.
Cluttered landing pages are conversion killers. The more things on your landing page, the less likely you are to get the right conversion.
This process is pretty simple. Look at your landing page and remove any competing information. Now, do it again. Make sure you even remove the navigation bar from the page. There should only be two options: convert or exit.

Only give your prospects the chance to fill out the form or exit the page.

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4. Experiment with Media

Video has become a prevalent force in the world of media. It has expanded well beyond television, and it can be a powerful conversion force on your landing page.
Visitors are much more likely to spend more time on your site and convert on landing pages that feature video. In fact, according to Ryan Mull at Imavex, they saw a jump of 130.5% by adding video to their client’s SEM landing page.
How does this happen? Simple, people like passive over active activities, i.e. they like to watch videos more than read. Because of this, the average user spends around 88% more time on a landing page featuring a video.

This extra time is the difference between someone hearing your message or not.

All of this is to say you need to experiment with different types of media on your landing page. Don’t always trust text to get the conversions you’re looking for. Instead, try A/B testing your landing pages with photos and videos. You never know, you may see a better result.
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5. Don’t Ask Too Much

For most campaigns, you don’t need a whole lot of information. You’re probably only wanting a name, email, and maybe phone number. This is usually enough to provide your sales rep with an actionable lead.
If basic information isn’t enough, that’s ok. Sometimes you need to ask for more. If this is the case, make sure what you’re offering is valuable enough for the payment. Instead of requiring a dozen form fields for your product catalogue, try offering a relevant white paper or eBook.
Blog: When Should You Form Gate Your Content?
Another option is to use smart fields on your landing pages. This is more advanced and requires marketing automation, but it allows you to gain more information over time. For instance, the first time a prospect downloads content or submits a form, you may only require a few fields. But at their next form submission, you can require a different information set since you already know the basics.

Don’t scare people away by asking for too much at once.

Landing pages are an important part of every marketing campaign. For paid advertising, you have to provide prospects with a path to purchase. Once you understand the basics, your landing pages can become the workhorse of your marketing operation.
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